Configuration Dialog The Configuration Dialog has several new items not covered in the manual.   The popup menu in the top right-hand corner of the dialog allows you to select Configuration Sets for editing of MacSLIP connection sets and Special Configuration for editing of special options. Connection options have been moved into the Connect popup menu and one connect option has been added. Select Manual if you don't want any automatic connect options. Select Connect at system startup if you want MacSLIP to connect to your SLIP Server whenever you power up your Macintosh or restart. Select Connect when MacTCP is opened if you want MacSLIP to connect whenever an application opens the MacTCP driver. Select Connect on packet activity if you want MacSLIP to connect when there is packet activity on existing connections. This is a special option that will help keep your connection up if disconnected. It won't work right if you get a new IP address whenever you make a new connection. The new automatic disconnect options are under the Disconnect popup menu. Select Manual if you don't want any automatic disconnects. Select After… to specify the disconnect interval (in minutes). MacSLIP will disconnect after this number of minutes has elapsed, provided no other disconnect options have been selected. Selecting Only when connection is idle will cause the disconnect timer to reset whenever there is packet activity on your connection. Selecting Only if no active TCP connections will prevent disconnecting if you have any TCP connections open. Selecting Notify after disconnect will display an alert dialog after an automatic disconnect. When all the conditions for automatic disconnect have been met, MacSLIP will launch the MacSLIP Helper application to initiate the disconnect. This application is launched into the background so that it won't interfere with whatever you are currently doing. You will hear three short beeps to alert you that MacSLIP is going to disconnect in one minute. If you don't do anything, MacSLIP Helper will pop to the front after one minute and disconnect. If you select MacSLIP Helper in the applications menu, bringing it to the front, you'll be presented with a dialog that will allow you to proceed with the disconnect or cancel it. If you cancel, another disconnect will be scheduled for the interval you specified for automatic disconnect. The Auto init modem during connect and Edit modems options have been moved from the Modem menu to allow easier access to these options. Select Auto init modem during connect to automatically issue the modem initialization string (selected under the Modems menu) when your script executes. If you have a special script that does its own modem initialization, uncheck this option. Use the Edit modems… option to modify or add modem initialization strings.